SCF Provides Safety Net To Driver In Need
An early morning fall from his back porch left Chris Brotherton of Ardmore, OK, with a fractured wrist and unable to work for four months. That’s 130 days without a paycheck.
But he knew who to call for help.

Chris had already been receiving support from the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund (SCF) Healthy Habits program. “I was part of their diabetes prevention program and knew they also helped with mortgage and utility payments if a driver couldn’t work if they were sick or injured,” said Chris.
The short-term disability payments Chris was receiving was half of what he normally makes— not nearly enough to keep up with his bills. As the sole provider of his family, Chris had already borrowed from family and tapped out his savings before turning to SCF.
“SCF was a Godsend,” he said. “We would have been bankrupt within a month without them.” During his recovery, Chris told his medical team and anyone who would listen how SCF helps professional drivers. “Once they learn about SCF, they donate” he said.
Chris began his driving career in the Army and has made it his professional career since 1987. Today, he is fully healed and back on the road committed to sharing the praises of SCF every chance he gets.
“SCF is a hidden gem. I wish more people knew about SCF,” he said. “One freak accident can ruin your life.”
TravelCenters of America is a proud partner of the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, raising over $3 million since 2010. The annual Round Up campaign for SCF is currently underway at participating sites May 24 – July 31.
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TravelCenters of America
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